Are you looking for offline access token of Facebook using c#?
Please follow the steps as follows :
[Ignore this step if you have created application in Facebook and done with login functionality]
Step 1: Create application into Facebook, Login using javascript and get the access token :
[Ignore this step if you have already added reference of Facebook from NuGet packages to your project]
Step 2: Add a reference to Facebook to your project :
Finally, use this below code to "Get permanent access or offline access token of Facebook using c#".
dynamic result = client.Post("oauth/access_token", new
client_id = "Your Api Key",
client_secret = "Your Api Secret",
grant_type = "fb_exchange_token",
fb_exchange_token = hdfAccessToken.Value
//permanent access token is used when user is register with Facebook to your application & you have to communicate with Facebook.
//this perment access token is also expires if Facebook user have changed the Facebook password.
// Response.Write("OFFLINE ACCESS TOKEN: " + result.access_token + " <br/></br></br> ");
var offlineAccessToken = result.access_token;
Are you looking for offline access token of Facebook using c#?
Please follow the steps as follows :
[Ignore this step if you have created application in Facebook and done with login functionality]
Step 1: Create application into Facebook, Login using javascript and get the access token :
[Ignore this step if you have already added reference of Facebook from NuGet packages to your project]
Step 2: Add a reference to Facebook to your project :
Finally, use this below code to "Get permanent access or offline access token of Facebook using c#".
var client = new FacebookClient(hdfAccessToken.Value);
//get permanent access tokendynamic result = client.Post("oauth/access_token", new
client_id = "Your Api Key",
client_secret = "Your Api Secret",
grant_type = "fb_exchange_token",
fb_exchange_token = hdfAccessToken.Value
//permanent access token is used when user is register with Facebook to your application & you have to communicate with Facebook.
//this perment access token is also expires if Facebook user have changed the Facebook password.
// Response.Write("OFFLINE ACCESS TOKEN: " + result.access_token + " <br/></br></br> ");
var offlineAccessToken = result.access_token;
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